About Us

Hello there! We are so excited you are here!

Welcome to our shop! We are a fashion and accessories company based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We specialize in locally made printed goods celebrating unique and authentic stories through our products and services.

We started our first bazaar in 2017 starting with an assortment of batik inspired prints. Following many ups and downs we finally landed on our first product that did well, our Bajaj Jakarta Scarf. And the rest was history.

We started as a mother-daughter duo that DID NOT get along in the beginng. My mostly western upbringing clashed with my mother's traditional Batak (North Sumatera) upbringing. Many years later we finally found common ground as we both wanted to celebrate authentic heritage stories.

A lot of blood, sweat, tears, and sleepless nights were put in to making Tioria who she is today. We hope you enjoy our products and stories. 

Until then! Stay safe and stay healthy!

Love, Caramia and (Mama) Joyce