Long Scarf Jakarta Angkot Turquoise Indonesian Motif
Long Scarf Jakarta Angkot Turquoise Indonesian Motif
Inspired by the contrasts of Jakarta, this scarf has many details that reminds you of Jakarta such as angkot, bajaj, bemo, lots of motorcycle riders, etc. But we also put a few "luxury" cars that reminds us that success is available and within reach for those who dare to fight for it.
(Terinspirasi oleh kontras Jakarta, syal ini memiliki banyak detail yang mengingatkan Anda tentang Jakarta seperti angkot, bajaj, bemo, banyak pengendara sepeda motor, dll. Tetapi kami juga menempatkan beberapa mobil "mewah" yang mengingatkan kita bahwa kesuksesan tersedia dan dalam jangkauan bagi mereka yang berani memperjuangkannya).
Lovingly designed, created, and made in Indonesia.
Detail Product :
66 cm x 191 cm (Selendang)
26" x 75 1/4"
100% Viscose
Handwash and Air Dry
It's include Box + Postcard + Paper Wrap + Ribbon + Bubble Wrap at a more economical price
**Please write the wishes in notes of this product if any / messages to our shop (complimentary hand-written)**